Using the bytestring class
The bytestring class provides methods for manipulating byte strings.
In addition to some unique methods, analogs for the standard C "memory" functions are provided. However, unlike the standard C functions, the bytestring methods are NULL safe. Your application will not crash if a NULL is passed in, and instead, will give intuitive results.
Manipulating Byte Strings
The bytestring class provides methods for zeroing, initializing, duplicating, and copying byte strings.
#include <rudiments/bytestring.h> #include <rudiments/stdio.h> int main(int argc, const char **argv) { byte_t buffer[9]; // zero the buffer bytestring::zero(buffer,sizeof(buffer)); stdoutput.write("all zeros:\n "); stdoutput.safePrint(buffer,sizeof(buffer)); stdoutput.write("\n\n"); // set the buffer to all ones bytestring::set(buffer,1,sizeof(buffer)); stdoutput.write("all ones:\n "); stdoutput.safePrint(buffer,sizeof(buffer)); stdoutput.write("\n\n"); // copy some data into the buffer byte_t data[]={0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8}; bytestring::copy(buffer,data,sizeof(data)); stdoutput.write("after copying 0-8:\n "); stdoutput.safePrint(buffer,sizeof(buffer)); stdoutput.write("\n\n"); // copy some overlapping data from one part of the buffer to another bytestring::copyWithOverlap(buffer,buffer+3,sizeof(buffer)-3); stdoutput.write("after copying with overlap:\n "); stdoutput.safePrint(buffer,sizeof(buffer)); stdoutput.write("\n\n"); // copy a string into the buffer byte_t str[]="hello"; bytestring::copyUntil(buffer,str,'\0',sizeof(str)); stdoutput.write("after copying \"hello\":\n "); stdoutput.safePrint(buffer,sizeof(buffer)); stdoutput.write("\n\n"); // copy some data into the buffer, swapping bytes as they are copied bytestring::copySwapBytes(buffer,data,sizeof(data)); stdoutput.write("after copying 0-8, swapping bytes:\n "); stdoutput.safePrint(buffer,sizeof(buffer)); stdoutput.write("\n\n"); }
Comparing Byte Strings
The bytestring class also provides a compare() method for comparing two byte strings.
#include <rudiments/bytestring.h> #include <rudiments/stdio.h> int main(int argc, const char **argv) { byte_t buffer1[8]; byte_t buffer2[8]; // zero the buffers bytestring::zero(buffer1,sizeof(buffer1)); bytestring::zero(buffer2,sizeof(buffer2)); stdoutput.write("both zeroed:\n"); stdoutput.printf(" does buffer1=buffer2? %s\n\n", (!bytestring::compare(buffer1,buffer2,sizeof(buffer1)))? "yes":"no"); // set buffer2 to all ones bytestring::set(buffer2,1,sizeof(buffer2)); stdoutput.write("buffer2 is all ones:\n"); stdoutput.printf(" does buffer1=buffer2? %s\n\n", (!bytestring::compare(buffer1,buffer2,sizeof(buffer1)))? "yes":"no"); // set the first half of buffer2 to zeros // and only compare the first half bytestring::set(buffer2,0,sizeof(buffer2)/2); stdoutput.write("first half of buffer2 is all zeros:\n"); stdoutput.printf(" does 1/2 buffer1 = 1/2 buffer2? %s\n\n", (!bytestring::compare(buffer1,buffer2,sizeof(buffer1)/2))? "yes":"no"); }
Finding Data in Byte Strings
The charstring class also provides methods for finding characters or other character strings within character strings.
The findFirst() and findLast() methods return the first/last instance of a character or byte string within a byte string, or NULL if no match is found.
#include <rudiments/bytestring.h> #include <rudiments/stdio.h> int main(int argc, const char **argv) { // initialize buffer byte_t buffer[]={0,2,0,2,0,2,0}; stdoutput.write("buffer : "); stdoutput.safePrint(buffer,sizeof(buffer)); stdoutput.write("\n\n"); // find first and last 0 byte_t *firstzero=(byte_t *) bytestring::findFirst(buffer,0,sizeof(buffer)); byte_t *lastzero=(byte_t *) bytestring::findLast(buffer,0,sizeof(buffer)); stdoutput.write("first 0 : "); stdoutput.safePrint(firstzero,sizeof(buffer)-(firstzero-buffer)); stdoutput.write('\n'); stdoutput.write(" last 0 : "); stdoutput.safePrint(lastzero,sizeof(buffer)-(lastzero-buffer)); stdoutput.write("\n\n"); // find first and last 0,2,0 patterns byte_t pattern[]={0,2,0}; byte_t *firstzerotwozero=(byte_t *) bytestring::findFirst(buffer,sizeof(buffer), pattern,sizeof(pattern)); byte_t *lastzerotwozero=(byte_t *) bytestring::findLast(buffer,sizeof(buffer), pattern,sizeof(pattern)); stdoutput.write("first 0,2,0 : "); stdoutput.safePrint(firstzerotwozero, sizeof(buffer)-(firstzerotwozero-buffer)); stdoutput.write('\n'); stdoutput.write(" last 0,2,0 : "); stdoutput.safePrint(lastzerotwozero, sizeof(buffer)-(lastzerotwozero-buffer)); stdoutput.write("\n\n"); }